Raspberry PI 5 and Odrod H4 clusters in stock and ready to ship


PicoCluster was born out of an engineers desires to learn distributed and parallel computing. As such, it's been designed an built with the professional in mind.

Probably the greatest advantage of PicoCluster is that we can pre-configure the application stack that ships with your cluster. The standard PicoCluster distribution is set up with static ip addressing and ssh keys. We offer other Application Sets for Hadoop, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Docker Swarm, and Kubernetes.

You can learn Big Data, Nosql, Containers, Machine Learning, along with just about any programming language you can think of. PicoCluster was built for education, development, testing, and prototyping.

You can purchase a Pico 5 with 5 compute nodes, 20 or more cores, 5GB to 20GB of ram and up to 640GB of storage all in a nearly silent desktop form factor that consumes < 20W of total power.

PicoCluster is SO energy efficient that it will pay for itself in in energy savings alone in just a few months. Compared to AWS EC2 services, again, PicoCluster will pay for itself in just a few months, plus it's yours to keep!

We support boards from Raspberry PI, Pine64, Hardkernel as well as the 8040 MacchiatoBIN board from Solid Run/Marvell. The 8040 board sports dual 10G network interfaces, up to 10GB DDR4 ram, and 3 SATA connectors.

If you have any questions, then please contact us directly at support@picocluster.com.

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