3 new models of RPI5 clusters are available including one with m.2 SSDs! Order now for quick delivery. Free shipping included in US for all orders.

Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB
Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB

Pico 5H Raspberry PI5 Cluster 8GB

Regular price
$ 899.00 USD
Sale price
$ 899.00 USD
Regular price
$ 1,126.00 USD
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The RPI5 is the latest Raspberry board announced in October 2023. This new RPI5 is up to 2-3 times faster compute that the RPI4 with double the memory bandwidth, much faster microSD card access and a new OS called Bookworm.

The RPI5 can use more power than the RPI4 in order to achieve it's greater speed. Even at the same power level, the RPI5 is faster because of it's new CPU.

We have 3 new versions of the 5 node RPI5 cluster. This allows us to start at a lower price point, while providing clusters with higher power PDUs and M.2 SSDs.

Pico H - Modified version of RPi4 case, specifically for RPI5. This provides a less expensive cluster suitable for many use cases.
Pico T - Specific design for RPI5. Case, fan, and heat sinks are all larger along with a new 3A PDU. This is the standard RPI5 version.
Pico M - RPI5 design that integrates PiMoroni NVMe Baseboard. This provides M.2 SSD support for RPI5 with far more storage and much higher speeds than MicroSD.

 Feature H
Power per channel (PDU)
Power Supply (Watts)
Case Size
microSD microSD
m.2 SSD
Heat Sinks


The Pico 5 Raspberry PI Cluster is our most popular model! It now comes in multiple flavors to better suit your budget. The Pico 5 Raspberry PI5 is designed to cluster 5 Raspberry PI5 boards together to run a variety of software from web servers and database, to Big Data and NoSQL software. One of our most popular uses is with container managers like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.

The Advanced Kit and Assembled Cube come with the 8GB board. You can use any of the boards in the Starter Kit.

See our PicoCluster Buyers Guide for more information.

The memory cards are imaged with the standard PicoCluster Cluster Image Set. The Image set can be upgrade with an Application Image Set like Hadoop, or additional Application Image Sets can be purchase separately.

Contact us at support@picocluster.com for questions.