Raspberry PI 5, Odrod H4. Radxa x4, and Odroid M2 clusters available. Check out our new single node PicoPods!

Assemble Odroid M2 5M Board Stack

These instructions show how to assemble a stack of Odroid M2 boards for your PicoCluster. These photos show how to assemble a 3 board stack.

Please contact support@picocluster.com if you encounter any difficulties.

Step 1 – Prepare the Boards

Open the packages take out the boards as shown. The standoffs are from packet A.

Step 2 – Assemble the Board Stack

Start with the 1/2" F/F standoffs on the bottom and the 1" M/F standoffs on the top as shown. Once screwed together, then tighten slightly. The standoffs only need to be snug, not wrenched tight together.

Continue to add boards to the stack using the 1" M/F standoffs as shown. Attach the top-most board using 1/4" screws also from packet !.

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